week, I attended the Amazon Web Summit in New York City. My conclusion: Amazon is taking over the
OK, yes,
I get that this was an elaborate sales presentation, not a
technical conference. While I was being wowed by their talks,
I was cognizant that I had entered Amazon's reality distortion field, and
that not everything was to be taken at face value.
But even taking these factors into account, what Amazon is working on is impressive.
In case
you don't follow these things, Amazon is one of the biggest players in Cloud
Computing. Suppose you need to run a
large, complicated computing problem, such as a one-time conversion of a large
number of video files. It's computation
intensive, so running it on your company's computers might take weeks or
months. You could bite the bullet and
wait weeks or months. You could purchase additional servers. This would be an expensive option, to say nothing of the logistics of
ordering and installing them, plus the question of what you do with these servers once the task is done. Alternately, you could lease some online servers from Amazon. Use as
many as you like. Pay by the hour. Once you're done, take back your processed
files and shut down your account. All
done, no mess, no hassle.
like an interesting niche business. But
it's not a niche business, not anymore.
It's huge. Netflix relies on Amazon Web Servers to stream movies.
Instagram relies on Amazon to host it's infrastructure, which may help
explain how a billion dollar company was able to get by with only twelve
employees. Schrodinger recently worked
with Cycle Computing to build an Amazon Cloud supercomputer, leveraging 50,000
cores to do an exhaustive analysis of 21 million compounds to discover
good drug candidates. This virtual
supercomputer was estimated to be among the top 50 supercomputers in the world,
and cost just under $5000 an hour, with no setup or capital costs. One recent analysis of web traffic estimated
that 1% of all web traffic goes to a web server hosted by an Amazon cloud computer. This business is massive.
How did
Amazon get here? To hear Amazon tell it,
they're not a retail company. They're a
technology company that happens to do retail, among other things. And they've certainly paid their dues in the
process. If you followed the tech
industry back in the late nineties, then you probably remember the anecdotes
that surfaced at the end of the every year like clockwork, as Amazon's systems
were overloaded by a Christmas rush bigger than anything they'd ever
experienced before - again. Everybody,
including the CEO, pitched in to help get packages out of the warehouses on
time. Computer systems were overloaded. Inevitably, many packages only shipped weeks after Christmas had come and gone. I'm sure it was a painful process to go
having gone through their trial by fire, Amazon seems to have learned their
lessons well. They've developed one of
the top logistical systems in the world, and more importantly, they've mastered
the art of running the tens or hundreds of thousands of servers required to
keep it all running. You can't manage
that type of complexity one server at a time.
You need to organize it, glue it together with seamless software that
allows you to transparently shift processing activities from one part of the
world to another to deal with the inevitable breakdowns and snafus. And once you've built this impressive
infrastructure, it's a very small step to
sell some of this processing power to the outside world.
In short,
Amazon has done exactly what business gurus like Tom Peters and Peter Drucker
have been talking about for decades - building on its strengths as much as
possible. A superficial analysis of
Amazon would have said that they were retail wizards, and should stick to that
world. If they want to expand, maybe they should try opening a
line of physical stores. That misses
their real strength, which is managing the complexity behind their
operation. Thus they've found a huge
opportunity in a business that seems highly unrelated to their origins as an
online bookstore.
the real question: why aren't more businesses doing this?
The answer is, they try. For example, in 1994, Quaker Oats acquired Snapple, thinking that their experience running Gatorade would make
this an easy win. They discovered,
to their great dismay, that the logistical and marketing issues made the skills needed to manage these different brands very different from each other.
Quaker finally sold the business in 1997, having lost a billion or more learning this lesson.
made a common mistake. They assumed that
two processes that produce similar products or outcomes must be similar. What they needed to do instead was to ask
what their real core competency was, and figure out how they could leverage it,
even if it turned out to be in a radically different business.
Here’s a thought. Walmart
is one of the best companies in the world at getting their products where they
need to be. Stories abound of how they
can shift inventories from one region of the country to another in a blink of the eye,
whether its old video games being purchased in Florida by grandparents for
their visiting grandkids, or emergency supplies in New Orleans in the wake of
Hurricane Katrina.
So why
hasn’t Walmart started a shipping
business? You could simply drop off your
package in your local Walmart store, and the recipient could pick it up in
another Walmart store anywhere in the country the next day. Because Walmart is one of the pioneers in the
use of RFIDs, there would be excellent package tracking through the entire
process. And because they already have
all the fleets and computer systems developed, deployed and scaled to massive
volumes, they could ship packages for a fraction of what it costs Fed Ex to or
UPS to bring it to your door. It wouldn’t replace traditional shipping companies, but there would
probably be significant interest, for almost no risk or additional cost.
applies to a business applies to a person.
What’s your unique strength? Don’t assume it has to be
something related to your current line of work.
An administrative assistant with a relentless eye to detail might make a
great event planner, or accountant. An
interior decorator with exquisite taste and an eye for color might do well
consulting on movie design, or taking photographs.
The deeper your understanding of your unique strengths, the more prosperous you’ll be in any type of economy.
The deeper your understanding of your unique strengths, the more prosperous you’ll be in any type of economy.
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